Things have settled down at good ole Wally World and I am on their perminant now (which i was hoping for for the benefits alone). Bad thing about working these computer jobs is that they never seem to last long and unless you work for someone like Google or Microsoft your probably not getting any bennies either. Family always comes first and my wife definatly needs medical insurance.
Nearly got my garden out! If you have a back-yard and you haven't planted a garden yet then get off your lazy ass and get out their and do it! I've started to late myself to get anything going from seed this year so we cheated and got some plants at Lowes. Not to badly priced either and some already have some little buds on them. Couple of years back when tomatoes got to $4 a lb i was really thankfull that mine only cost me about $8-$10 total for all the 'maters i could eat! If you do plant tomatoes make sure you plant some marigolds (a flower) with them, they are a natural pest deturent for tomatoes. Planting some mint nearby (pots?) will also help to deture insects from getting into your veggies. So not only do i get all the veggies i can eat, they're chemical free. ;-)
Nearly got my garden out! If you have a back-yard and you haven't planted a garden yet then get off your lazy ass and get out their and do it! I've started to late myself to get anything going from seed this year so we cheated and got some plants at Lowes. Not to badly priced either and some already have some little buds on them. Couple of years back when tomatoes got to $4 a lb i was really thankfull that mine only cost me about $8-$10 total for all the 'maters i could eat! If you do plant tomatoes make sure you plant some marigolds (a flower) with them, they are a natural pest deturent for tomatoes. Planting some mint nearby (pots?) will also help to deture insects from getting into your veggies. So not only do i get all the veggies i can eat, they're chemical free. ;-)
Ok, not realy the kind of updates you were looking for aye? Ok, nothing that i'm going to show off quite yet but i nearly got the map scrolling perfected. I need to add in a few more little details then add in the ajax engine and do some load testing to and from the server. If all goes to plan it should provide smooth scrolling with no noticeable loading. The only problem that it may have is when it actualy has to render the map. It takes about 3 seconds to render a 3x3 map (9 of my map grids). With the way the new system works it only has to redraw 3 of them instead of all 9. That's still a 1 second delay though which in human terms is very noticeable. That though is only if the redraws take the same time as the initial load time which i'm hoping it doesn't as it is also loading the graphics as well. The new firebug timers don't work nearly as well as the old ones. At least they don't seem to provide the extremely detailed information that they once did. Time will tell!