Sunday, September 6, 2009

FINALLLY! making progress

hour here, hour there, finally making some progress! Nothing i wish to post quite yet (but the same url is in the blog history if you really want to find it map test 002). I warn you though with all the test stuff activated (and new ruler bar that's dynamicly drawn), it takes like 10-12 seconds to first render in google chrome. With the test draws i would not suggest any other browser besides chrome untill it's optimized again.

Anywho! Finally got that error somewhat fixed, at least on the vertical axis it seems to be working correctly for P1 (top left drawing panel). I finally figured out if i make it clip correctly then it draws it correctly, something i planned on doing for optimization because letting the browser clip anything outside the window leads to slower draw times. Now i just have to get the other 3 panel layers clipped right and then the inital map phase is well under-way to being completed! Might have to increase the buffer from a 3x3 to a 4x4 area though in order for it to properly preload a map in all directions. Will do some testing as far as that goes though, would prefer to stick with the slightly smaller size just to avoid being a memory hog.

So hopefully soon i'll have a little guy walking around the map and behind tree's and such, first rendition i will avoid collision and pathfinding but neither should be that complicated to add (yeah right). I do have some simple pathfinding already programmed for javascript that navigated across and old starmap type thing, just have to locate which file it's in. Well lunch is almost over and I need to get some more work done! Hopefully i'll have something for people to actually play with soon, the first thing i'm shooting for is a small grassland to walk around in, then I will create a small space-station which will help test the collision and pathfinding. Not to mention it the type of map that will primarily be required for the Nemesis Star game. Seeyaz!

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