Monday, November 9, 2009

Moving, ugh!

Ok, so for like the next two weeks we seem to be renting two places at the same time, talk about expensive ... but can't afford for me to take any time off either. So for my next couple of days off will be spent trying to get the lead out of my butt and get this moving thing done. Good news about the new place is the fact that we will be paying less rent than what we are here, and we'll have about 400 sq ft more space! The wife and I are definitely hoarders and seem to have issues throwing anything away! lol. Instead it get's tossed in a box where it will remain for 2-5 years before donation to the salvation army. :p

I've set my DVR to record episodes of 'The Universe' on the discovery channel to see if I can get some more ideas for the Nemesis Star game. Still thinking to do that one first but at this stage I'm still flip-flopping quite a bit so anything is up for grab's. Everything that will be needed in both games is very similar for the JavaScript engine, the only big difference is the addition of a flat or 3/4 view perspective in addition to the isometric drawing routines ... which is infinitely easier.

For the server side I've been doing some research on SSJS (Server Side JavaScript). There seems to be way too many choices and confusion about it with little real information. I have though ruled out using any SSJS engines that are programed in php or any other server side scripting language ... i don't mind sacrificing a little bit of speed for ease of use, but not that much. Hell at this point it might just be easier to program the server side in C# with spider monkey overlaying it for the scripting routines.

Well i got to get my lazy butt to work get these next couple of days over with (work two jobs 3 days of the week). Then it's moving time! Ugh!


  1. Check out for SSJS standardization and engine implementations.

    -- MV

  2. Ah very good information, and glad to see they are now trying to standardize all the different SSJS platforms! Now I just have to pick one to use!
