Do you really understand why the Hover Damn was built? Not only did it provide a water reservoir and electricity, it stirred hope in people. It let them dream again. With those new dreams they had the willpower to build all that we now have today. But dreams and hope are fickle and easily swept away under a tide of problems.
If our leaders fail at this, if they fail us yet again .... I cannot remember the last time something truly good came out of our nations capital. And corporations ... well that's the same thing isn't it? Peas in a pod so to speak? Can we really continue to trust people to adjust their bottom lines by the number who have died? Once a upon a time if one person died it was too many ... Now as long as the dollars paid out in the lawsuits are not as much as the cost of the recall then it's business as usual. I think I will keep placing my trust elsewhere thank you very much.
It doesn't seem to be ... 'if our leaders fail at this ...', they already have. They are bought and paid for corporate lackeys who see the tax dollars that we earn through our blood and sweat as a giant piggy bank. Our tax dollars .... the last time my parents needed a fireman, yes they showed up but then refused to put out the fire because they had not donated $50.00 into the fireman's fund. THAT is our tax dollars at work.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
If our nation will not do it, and we cannot trust corporations to do it, then perhaps it is time to do it ourselves. We are the ones who build this nation, it is our money, our blood and sweat .. our tears. We are a nation of adventurer's and explorers. It is time to expand that spirit and venture out of our womb that we call Earth. If we do not then I fear the last of our dreams may very well be lost as we seem to enter this new age where we are no longer individuals or people, just a statistic. And after we are gone and hope no longer remains the title of our obituary shall read ...
327,000,000 Dreamers Lost
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