Granted I did not search for very long for for those familiar with microsoft servers know that trying to use an .htaccess file with IIS just doesn't work. If you have direct access to the server then you can follow microsofts directions on how to do it, but alas not everyone can do that. So I decided to write a little include script to correct this issue.
So far the only thing in the .htaccess file that it pays attention too is 'deny from' and 'allow from', and it will work across an ip range ... example:
Just rename the .htaccess file that you want to use to htaccess.txt, save this script into a file that you can include in your asp pages. Very simple. If are not a developer and want this on your site then please visit my site and I will get it up their for you. If you are a developer than feel free to use this script! You cannot charge for the script itself though, or include this script in a larger package that you charge for without my express permission.
If there's something relating to .htaccess files that you want added to this script then please let me know and I will update it and repost it here.
If your looking for a list of ip addresses then visit they have .htaccess files for several known spamming and scamming places, including ip's for several web-proxies to preven them from back-dooring into your site.
none yet requested.
::: SOURCE CODE ::: 11MAR2009
Dim FSO, FO, File, numitems, htfile, line, ips, ip, ip4, userIP, accessallowed, overrideaccess
accessallowed = true
overrideaccess = false
userIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
htfile = "htaccess.txt"
Set Fso = Server.CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Fo = FSO.GetFile(Server.MapPath("\" & htfile))
set File = FSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("\" & htfile),1,true)
' Pre-check for ALLOWed IP's. ...
Do While Not File.AtEndOfStream
line = File.readline ' Open the file for reading
line = LTrim(LTrim(line)) ' Trim any excess space from edges
if LCase(left(line,10)) = "allow from" then ' IP Deny list, process this line
if line <> "all" then ' We won't be using the "all" keyword
procDeny = LTrim(RTrim(Mid(left(line,10), 10))) ' Trims out the ip list itself.
ips = Split(line, " ") ' List is usually seperated with a space, this is used as the delimiter
for n = 0 to UBound(ips) ' Loop through all the possible IP's.
ip = Split(ips(n), ".") ' Split IP string into an array
if UBound(ip) = 3 then ' Got an ip address and not a command. (should start at #2 normally but never assume!)
ip4 = split(ip(3), "/") ' Try to Split 4th IP address string into an array
if UBound(ip4) = 1 then ' Lower and upper bound of the IP address. otherwise it is just an ip address!
for m = ip4(0) to ip4(1) ' Loop through all the IP's in this range and check them.
if ip(0)&"."&ip(1)&"."&ip(2)&"."&m = userIP then
overrideaccess = true ' Known good user, over ride the deny-checker and let them in
end if
if join(ip, ".") = userIP then ' Single ip address, not a group, check it.
overrideaccess = true ' Known good user, over ride the deny-checker and let them in
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
' we do a simple close and reopen of the file as to increase server compatibility
Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("\" & htfile),1,true)
if overrideaccess = false then
Do While Not File.AtEndOfStream
line = File.readline ' Open the file for reading
line = LTrim(LTrim(line)) ' Trim any excess space from edges
if LCase(left(line,9)) = "deny from" then ' IP Deny list, process this line
if line <> "all" then ' We won't be using the "all" keyword
procDeny = LTrim(RTrim(Mid(left(line,9), 10))) ' Trims out the ip list itself.
ips = Split(line, " ") ' List is usually seperated with a space, this is used as the delimiter
for n = 0 to UBound(ips) ' Loop through all the possible IP's.
ip = Split(ips(n), ".") ' Split IP string into an array
if UBound(ip) = 3 then ' Got an ip address and not a command. (should start at #2 normally but never assume!)
ip4 = split(ip(3), "/") ' Try to Split 4th IP address string into an array
if UBound(ip4) = 1 then ' Lower and upper bound of the IP address. otherwise it is just an ip address!
for m = ip4(0) to ip4(1) ' Loop through all the IP's in this range and check them.
if ip(0)&"."&ip(1)&"."&ip(2)&"."&m = userIP then
accessallowed = false ' Known bad user, deny them access.
end if
if join(ip, ".") = userIP then ' Single ip address, not a group, check it.
accessallowed = false ' Known bad user, deny them access.
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
Set FO = nothing
Set FSO = nothing
Set File = nothing
if accessallowed = false then
Response.Redirect "/no_access.asp"
end if
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